Latest Past Events

Simultaneous Planning, Control and Safety for naturally inducing trajectories to navigate in crowds


Self-navigation in crowded environments poses a significant challenge for multi-agent systems with non-holonomic robots relying on local sensing. The talk covers a fast, sensor-driven navigation controller that computes control commands for safe maneuvering among non-cooperating agents. Our approach introduces an input-constrained feedback controller specifically designed for non-holonomic robots, with a focus on invariant sets to ensure stability and safety. These invariant sets guide the robots toward their target while allowing for direct computation of safe control inputs, eliminating the need for pre-planned paths. Speaker(s): Leena Vachhani, Virtual:

Two-Day Technical Workshop on 5G/6G, Quantum, and IoT

Room: NKN, Bldg: Main Building, Department of EECE, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 721302

A two-day technical workshop by industry experts from Convergent Technologies India Private Limited would be hosted in association with IEEE AP-MTTs Student Branch Chapter IIT Kharagpur. The workshop will feature live demonstrations and discussions on the latest trends in technology solutions such as 5G/6G, Quantum, and IoT, covering their current application areas. Speaker(s): Mr. Mrinal Baidya Roy, Mr Bikram Ghosh, Mr. Harishchandra Kumar, Mr. Akash Choudhury Room: NKN, Bldg: Main Building, Department of EECE, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 721302

IEEE SPS SBC Webinar: Generative AI (By Dr. Justin Dauwels)


Generative AI refers to a category of artificial intelligence models that are designed to generate new content, such as text, images, audio, or other types of data. Probably the best known example of generative AI is ChatGPT, the fastest consumer application to hit 100 million monthly active users. Generative AI models use machine learning algorithms to learn patterns and structures from existing data and then produce new data that is similar in style or content to what they have been trained on.In this presentation, I will start with a tutorial on various approaches to generative AI. Next I will talk about projects in our group at the TU Delft on deep generative models. I will briefly present novel kinds of deep generative models that we are developing in our team. Next I will explain how we are designing such models for rainfall nowcasting, where we integrate physical laws into the deep generative models. At last, I will talk various AI related initiatives that our team is involved in. Speaker(s): Dr. Justin Dauwels, Virtual:

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