Latest Past Events

One-Day Technical Field Trip to SAMEER, Kolkata

Bldg: SAMEER Kolkata Centre, Plot-L2, Block-GP, Sector-V, Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 700091

IEEE AP-MTTs SBC IIT Kharagpur is organizing a one-day field trip to SAMEER Kolkata on 29th June. The trip would be done with an AC Bus/Traveller, comprising the journey from IIT-KGP to the SAMEER campus at Kolkata, and back. Participating members would also be adorned by IEEE AP-MTTs SBC IIT-KGP T-shirts. SAMEER Kolkata, the Society for Applied Microwave and Electronics Engineering Research, is a premier institute dedicated to advancing research in the RF-Microwave domain. It plays a crucial role in developing innovative technologies and solutions for wireless communication systems, radar, and satellite communication. By fostering collaboration between academia and industry, SMAEER Kolkata contributes significantly to the growth and modernization of RF and microwave engineering in India. Bldg: SAMEER Kolkata Centre, Plot-L2, Block-GP, Sector-V, Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 700091

IEEE MTTS-DML on Universal Calculation Method for MIMO-WPT Power Transfer Efficiency


Prof. Qiaowei Yuan, a distinguished full professor at the Tohoku Institute of Technology in Japan, will deliver a DML offered by IEEE MTTS on 26th June 2024, being organized by IEEE AP-MTTS SBC IIT Kharagpur. Speaker(s): Prof. Qiaowei Yuan, Virtual:

IEEE SPS SBC Webinar: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Sensing and Signal Processing Challenges with Data Sets for Associated Research (By Dr. Linda Moore )


Radar offers some unique capabilities compared to other sensing phenomenologies. For example, radar can operate at long ranges, during the day and night, and in most weather conditions. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) enables formation of 2D and 3D images of ground scenes for a wide array of military and commercial applications. In this talk, Dr. Linda Moore will discuss current challenges in SAR signal processing, including the challenge of applying machine/deep learning techniques to SAR automatic target recognition (ATR). Measured and synthetic SAR data has been made publicly available by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and can assist in developing new techniques for today's SAR signal processing challenges. Available data sets will be associated with relevant technical challenges and examples of related IEEE published work will be highlighted. Speaker(s): Dr. Linda Moore , Virtual: